Render same app in 4 different iframes of browser window each with unique JSESSIONID
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Render same app in 4 different iframes of browser window each with unique JSESSIONID

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Welcome to this comprehensive guide on rendering the same app in 4 different iframes of a browser window, each with a unique JSESSIONID. This tutorial is perfect for developers who want to learn how to achieve this feat, which can be useful in various scenarios such as testing, demos, or even production environments. So, buckle up and let’s dive in!


Before we begin, it’s essential to understand what JSESSIONID is. JSESSIONID is a cookie generated by the web server to identify a user’s session. It’s a unique identifier that allows the server to associate a user’s requests with a specific session. When a user visits a website, the server generates a JSESSIONID, which is then stored on the user’s browser as a cookie. This cookie is sent with each request to the server, allowing it to identify the user’s session.

Why render the same app in multiple iframes?

There are several reasons why you might want to render the same app in multiple iframes, each with a unique JSESSIONID:

  • Testing and debugging**: Multiple iframes can help you test and debug your app more efficiently. You can simulate different user interactions, test different scenarios, and identify bugs more easily.
  • Demos and presentations**: Render the same app in multiple iframes to showcase different features or scenarios to your audience. This can be particularly useful for sales demos, training sessions, or product presentations.
  • Production environments**: In some cases, you might need to render the same app in multiple iframes for load balancing, high availability, or other production-related reasons.

Step-by-Step Guide to Rendering the Same App in 4 Different iframes

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get started with the step-by-step guide. We’ll use HTML, JavaScript, and some creative coding to achieve this feat.

Step 1: Create an HTML file with 4 iframes

Create a new HTML file called `index.html` and add the following code:

  <iframe src="app.html" width="25%" height="300" frameborder="1"></iframe>
  <iframe src="app.html" width="25%" height="300" frameborder="1"></iframe>
  <iframe src="app.html" width="25%" height="300" frameborder="1"></iframe>
  <iframe src="app.html" width="25%" height="300" frameborder="1"></iframe>

This code creates a container div with 4 iframes, each with a width of 25% and a height of 300 pixels. The src attribute points to an `app.html` file, which we’ll create next.

Step 2: Create the `app.html` file

Create a new HTML file called `app.html` and add the following code:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>My App</title>
    <h1>My App</h1>
      console.log("App loaded!");

This is a simple HTML file that displays an h1 header and logs a message to the console when loaded.

Step 3: Use JavaScript to Generate Unique JSESSIONIDs

We’ll use JavaScript to generate unique JSESSIONIDs for each iframe. Add the following code to the `index.html` file, above the iframe declarations:

  const iframeCount = 4;
  const iframeArray = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < iframeCount; i++) {
    const iframe = document.createElement("iframe");
    iframe.src = "app.html";
    iframe.width = "25%";
    iframe.height = "300";
    iframe.frameBorder = "1";
  // Generate unique JSESSIONIDs for each iframe
  iframeArray.forEach((iframe, index) => {
    const sessionId = generateUniqueId();
    iframe.contentWindow.localStorage.setItem("JSESSIONID", sessionId);
  function generateUniqueId() {
    return Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000000000) + 1;

This code creates an array of iframes, generates a unique JSESSIONID for each iframe using the `generateUniqueId()` function, and sets the JSESSIONID as a local storage item for each iframe.

Step 4: Verify the Unique JSESSIONIDs

Open the `index.html` file in a browser and inspect the local storage of each iframe using the browser’s developer tools. You should see a unique JSESSIONID for each iframe.

iframe Index JSESSIONID
0 123456789
1 987654321
2 345678901
3 567890123

In this example, each iframe has a unique JSESSIONID, which can be verified by checking the local storage of each iframe.


That’s it! You’ve successfully rendered the same app in 4 different iframes, each with a unique JSESSIONID. This technique can be useful in various scenarios, from testing and debugging to demos and production environments. Remember to adapt this code to your specific use case and requirements.

Don’t forget to test and verify the unique JSESSIONIDs in your browser, and experiment with different scenarios to see how this technique can benefit your development workflow.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions related to this topic:

Q: Can I use this technique for multiple apps?

A: Yes, you can use this technique to render multiple apps in multiple iframes, each with a unique JSESSIONID.

Q: How do I handle browser cookies and storage?

A: Make sure to handle browser cookies and storage carefully, as each iframe will have its own set of cookies and storage. You may need to implement additional logic to manage cookies and storage across iframes.

Q: Can I use this technique for load balancing?

A: Yes, this technique can be used for load balancing, where each iframe can point to a different server or instance, ensuring that the load is balanced across multiple servers.

We hope this guide has been helpful in achieving your goal of rendering the same app in 4 different iframes, each with a unique JSESSIONID. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your most pressing questions about rendering the same app in 4 different iframes of a browser window, each with a unique JSESSIONID!

Q: Is it possible to render the same app in multiple iframes with different JSESSIONIDs?

A: Yes, it is possible! You can achieve this by setting a unique JSESSIONID for each iframe. This can be done by creating a new HTTP request for each iframe, ensuring that each request has a unique JSESSIONID. This approach allows you to render the same app multiple times in a single browser window, each with its own separate session.

Q: How do I handle session management for each iframe?

A: To manage sessions for each iframe, you’ll need to ensure that each iframe has its own unique session identifier (JSESSIONID). This can be achieved by generating a new session ID for each iframe. You can then use this session ID to store and retrieve session data for each iframe separately. This approach allows you to maintain separate sessions for each iframe, ensuring that changes made in one iframe do not affect the others.

Q: Will I face any security concerns by having multiple iframes with different JSESSIONIDs?

A: Having multiple iframes with different JSESSIONIDs does introduce some security concerns. Since each iframe has its own session, an attacker could potentially exploit this by stealing or manipulating session data. To mitigate this risk, ensure that you implement proper security measures, such as using HTTPS, validating user input, and implementing secure session management practices. Additionally, consider using a secure token-based authentication mechanism to further protect your application.

Q: Can I use the same application code for all iframes, or do I need to create separate codebases?

A: You can use the same application code for all iframes! Since each iframe has its own unique JSESSIONID, you can reuse the same application code for each iframe. This approach allows you to maintain a single codebase, making it easier to manage and maintain your application. Simply ensure that your application is designed to handle multiple sessions and that you’re using a robust session management mechanism.

Q: Are there any performance implications of rendering the same app in multiple iframes with different JSESSIONIDs?

A: Yes, there may be some performance implications to consider. Rendering the same app in multiple iframes can lead to increased memory usage and potential performance degradation. Additionally, managing multiple sessions can add overhead to your application. However, by optimizing your application’s performance, using efficient session management, and leveraging caching mechanisms, you can minimize these impacts and ensure a seamless user experience.