Solving the EVP_DigestVerifyFinal Fiasco: A Step-by-Step Guide to ECDSA P-256/SHA-256 with OpenSSL (Libcrypto)
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Solving the EVP_DigestVerifyFinal Fiasco: A Step-by-Step Guide to ECDSA P-256/SHA-256 with OpenSSL (Libcrypto)

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “EVP_DigestVerifyFinal fails” error when working with ECDSA P-256/SHA-256 and OpenSSL (Libcrypto)? You’re not alone! This article is here to rescue you from the depths of cryptographic despair, providing a comprehensive, easy-to-follow guide to help you overcome this hurdle and get back to coding like a pro.

What’s the Big Deal about EVP_DigestVerifyFinal?

EVP_DigestVerifyFinal is a crucial function in the OpenSSL library, responsible for verifying digital signatures generated using the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) with a 256-bit prime modulus (P-256) and SHA-256 as the hash function. In a nutshell, it ensures the authenticity and integrity of your data.

However, when EVP_DigestVerifyFinal fails, it can be a real showstopper, leaving you scratching your head and wondering what went wrong. Fear not, dear developer, for we’re about to embark on a troubleshooting adventure to identify and fix the most common culprits behind this error.

Prerequisites and Assumptions

Before we dive into the solution, make sure you have:

  • Basic knowledge of C programming and OpenSSL (Libcrypto) API
  • OpenSSL 1.1.1 or later installed on your system
  • A working understanding of ECDSA P-256/SHA-256 digital signatures

Common Causes of EVP_DigestVerifyFinal Failure

After analyzing numerous cases, we’ve identified the top reasons behind EVP_DigestVerifyFinal failures. Let’s tackle each of them systematically:

1. Incorrect Key Pair Generation

When generating an EC key pair using OpenSSL, it’s essential to follow the correct steps:

#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/ec.h>
#include <openssl/pem.h>

EC_KEY *ec_key;
ec_key = EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_X9_62_prime256v1);
if (!ec_key) {
    /* Handle error */;

if (!EC_KEY_generate_key(ec_key)) {
    /* Handle error */;

Make sure to:

  • Use the correct curve name (NID_X9_62_prime256v1 for P-256)
  • Check for errors after EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name and EC_KEY_generate_key

2. Inadequate Signature Generation

When creating a digital signature using ECDSA, ensure you:

#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/ec.h>
#include <openssl/sha.h>

unsigned char sig[256];
unsigned int sig_len;
EVP_PKEY *pkey;
EVP_MD_CTX *md_ctx;
const unsigned char *data;
int data_len;

/* Initialize pkey, data, and data_len as needed */

md_ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new();
if (!EVP_DigestSignInit(md_ctx, NULL, EVP_sha256(), NULL, pkey)) {
    /* Handle error */;

if (!EVP_DigestSignUpdate(md_ctx, data, data_len)) {
    /* Handle error */;

if (!EVP_DigestSignFinal(md_ctx, sig, &sig_len)) {
    /* Handle error */;


Verify that:

  • You’re using the correct hash function (EVP_sha256() for SHA-256)
  • You’ve initialized the EVP_MD_CTX correctly
  • You’ve updated the digest with the correct data and length
  • You’ve checked for errors after each EVP_DigestSign* function call

3. Incorrect Verification Setup

When verifying a digital signature using EVP_DigestVerifyFinal, make sure:

#include <openssl/err.h>
#include <openssl/ec.h>
#include <openssl/sha.h>

unsigned char sig[256];
unsigned int sig_len;
EVP_PKEY *pkey;
EVP_MD_CTX *md_ctx;
const unsigned char *data;
int data_len;

/* Initialize pkey, data, and data_len as needed */

md_ctx = EVP_MD_CTX_new();
if (!EVP_DigestVerifyInit(md_ctx, NULL, EVP_sha256(), NULL, pkey)) {
    /* Handle error */;

if (!EVP_DigestVerifyUpdate(md_ctx, data, data_len)) {
    /* Handle error */;

int verified = EVP_DigestVerifyFinal(md_ctx, sig, sig_len);
if (verified != 1) {
    /* Handle error */;


That you:

  • Initialized the EVP_MD_CTX correctly
  • Updated the digest with the correct data and length
  • Passed the correct signature and length to EVP_DigestVerifyFinal
  • Checked the return value of EVP_DigestVerifyFinal (should be 1 for success)

Troubleshooting EVP_DigestVerifyFinal Failure

If you’ve ruled out the above common causes, it’s time to dig deeper. Follow these steps to identify the root cause of the EVP_DigestVerifyFinal failure:

1. Check the OpenSSL Error Queue

Use ERR_error_string() to fetch the last error message from the OpenSSL error queue:

char err_buf[256];
ERR_error_string(ERR_get_error(), err_buf);
fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", err_buf);

Analyze the error message to pinpoint the issue.

2. Verify the Digital Signature

Use a tool like openssl dgst or a custom program to verify the digital signature:

openssl dgst -sha256 -verify sig.key -signature sig.sig data.txt

If the signature is invalid, the issue might lie in the signature generation or verification process.

3. Inspect the Key Pair and Signature

Use OpenSSL commands or a custom program to inspect the key pair and signature:

openssl ec -in key.pem -noout -text
openssl dgst -sha256 -hex -verify sig.key -signature sig.sig data.txt

This can help you identify issues with the key pair or signature format.


EVP_DigestVerifyFinal failure can be a frustrating experience, but by following this comprehensive guide, you should be able to identify and fix the underlying causes. Remember to:

  • Generate EC key pairs correctly
  • Create digital signatures using the correct hash function and data
  • Set up verification correctly with EVP_DigestVerifyFinal
  • Troubleshoot using OpenSSL error queue, digital signature verification, and key pair inspection

With these steps, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle EVP_DigestVerifyFinal failures and ensure the integrity and authenticity of your data.

Function Description
EVP_DigestVerifyFinal Verifies a digital signature using the DigestVerifyFinal function
EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name Creates a new EC key object from a specified curve name
EC_KEY_generate_key Generates a key pair for the given EC key object
EVP_DigestSignInit Initializes a DigestSign operation for signing data
EVP_DigestSignUpdate Updates the DigestSign operation with data to be signed
EVP_DigestSignFinal Finalizes the DigestSign operation and returns the digital signature
EVP_DigestVerifyInit Initializes a DigestVerify operation for verifying a digital signature
EVP_DigestVerifyUpdate Updates the DigestVerify operation with data to be verified

We hope this article has helped you overcome the EVP_DigestVerifyFinal hurdle and master the art of ECDSA P-256/SHA-256 with OpenSSL (Libcrypto). Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get answers to your burning questions about EVP_DigestVerifyFinal fails when using ECDSA P-256/SHA-256 with OpenSSL (Libcrypto)!

Why does EVP_DigestVerifyFinal always return 0, indicating a failed verification?

This might be due to an incorrect signature or an issue with the verification process. Make sure that the signature is correctly generated and that the EVP_DigestVerifyInit function is called with the correct parameters. Also, ensure that the EVP_DigestUpdate function is called with the correct data and length. Lastly, check that the EVP_DigestFinal function is called to finalize the digest calculation.

What is the correct way to set up the EVP_MD_CTX for ECDSA P-256/SHA-256 signature verification?

To set up the EVP_MD_CTX correctly, you need to call EVP_MD_CTX_init to initialize the context, then EVP_DigestInit_ex to set the digest type to SHA256, and finally EVP_DigestVerifyInit to set the verification key and algorithm. Don’t forget to call EVP_MD_CTX_cleanup when you’re done!

How do I properly load the ECDSA P-256 key for verification?

To load the ECDSA P-256 key, you can use the d2i_X509 function to read the certificate from a file or buffer, and then extract the public key using X509_get_pubkey. Alternatively, you can use the d2i_EC_PUBKEY function to directly load the public key from a file or buffer. Don’t forget to check for errors along the way!

What is the correct order of operations for EVP_DigestVerifyFinal?

The correct order is: EVP_DigestVerifyInit, EVP_DigestUpdate (for each chunk of data), EVP_DigestUpdate with the signature, and finally EVP_DigestVerifyFinal. Make sure to pass the correct parameters and check for errors at each step!

Why do I get a “digest too long for rsa” error when verifying an ECDSA P-256/SHA-256 signature?

This error typically occurs when you’re trying to verify an ECDSA signature with an RSA-specific function. Make sure you’re using the correct ECDSA-specific functions, such as EVP_DigestVerifyInit with an EC_KEY*, and not RSA-specific functions like RSA_verify.