pytest – Argument Missing When Using Parametrize: A Comprehensive Guide to Fixing the Issue
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pytest – Argument Missing When Using Parametrize: A Comprehensive Guide to Fixing the Issue

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Are you tired of encountering the frustrating “argument missing” error when using pytest’s parametrize feature? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of pytest and explore the causes and solutions to this pesky problem. Buckle up, folks, and let’s get started!

What is Pytest Parametrize?

Pytest parametrize is a powerful feature that allows you to run the same test function with different sets of input parameters. This enables you to cover a wide range of scenarios and edge cases with minimal code duplication. Parametrize is especially useful when testing functions that take multiple arguments or when you need to test a function with different input types.

import pytest

@pytest.mark.parametrize("input, expected", [
    ("hello", "hello"),
    ("hello world", "hello world"),
    ("", ""),
def test_greet(input, expected):
    assert greet(input) == expected

The “Argument Missing” Error: A Common Pitfall

So, what happens when you try to use parametrize with a test function that takes multiple arguments? Well, you might encounter the dreaded “argument missing” error. This error occurs when pytest can’t figure out which argument corresponds to which parameter in the parametrize list.

import pytest

@pytest.mark.parametrize("input", [
    "hello world",
def test_greet(input, expected):
    assert greet(input, expected) == expected

In the above example, pytest will complain about the missing “expected” argument. But why? After all, we’ve defined the “expected” parameter in the test function signature. The answer lies in how pytest handles parametrize.

How Pytest Handles Parametrize

When you use parametrize, pytest creates a new test function for each set of input parameters. This means that the test function is called multiple times, each time with a different set of arguments. However, pytest expects the test function to have the same signature as the original function. In other words, pytest assumes that the test function takes the same number of arguments as the original function.

In our previous example, the test function `test_greet` takes two arguments: `input` and `expected`. However, the parametrize list only provides values for the `input` argument. This is where the “argument missing” error comes in.

Solution 1: Use a Single Argument

One way to fix the “argument missing” error is to use a single argument in the parametrize list. This argument can be a tuple or a dictionary that contains all the necessary input values.

import pytest

@pytest.mark.parametrize("args", [
    (("hello", "hello")),
    (("hello world", "hello world")),
    (("", "")),
def test_greet(args):
    input, expected = args
    assert greet(input, expected) == expected

In this example, we define a single argument `args` in the parametrize list. Each element in the list is a tuple that contains the `input` and `expected` values. We then unpack these values inside the test function.

Solution 2: Use Multiple Arguments

Another approach is to use multiple arguments in the parametrize list. This is useful when you need to test a function with multiple input arguments.

import pytest

@pytest.mark.parametrize("input, expected", [
    ("hello", "hello"),
    ("hello world", "hello world"),
    ("", ""),
def test_greet(input, expected):
    assert greet(input, expected) == expected

In this example, we define two arguments `input` and `expected` in the parametrize list. Each element in the list is a tuple that contains the corresponding values. Pytest will then pass these values as separate arguments to the test function.

Solution 3: Use a Fixture

Fixtures are a powerful feature in pytest that allow you to share setup and teardown code between tests. You can also use fixtures to provide default values for arguments in your test function.

import pytest

def expected():
    return ""

@pytest.mark.parametrize("input", [
    "hello world",
def test_greet(input, expected):
    assert greet(input, expected) == expected

In this example, we define a fixture `expected` that returns an empty string. We then use this fixture as an argument in the test function. Pytest will inject the fixture value into the test function, and we can use it as needed.

Best Practices for Using Pytest Parametrize

Now that we’ve covered the solutions to the “argument missing” error, let’s talk about some best practices for using pytest parametrize.

  • Use descriptive names for your parameters: Choose names that clearly indicate what each parameter represents. This will make your test code more readable and easier to maintain.
  • Keep your parametrize lists concise: Try to keep your parametrize lists short and sweet. This will make it easier to manage and update your tests.
  • Use fixtures to reduce duplication: Fixtures can help you reduce code duplication in your tests. Use them to provide default values or to share setup and teardown code between tests.
  • Test your tests: Yes, you read that right! Test your tests to ensure they’re working as expected. This will help you catch errors and ensure that your tests are covering the correct scenarios.


In this article, we’ve explored the world of pytest parametrize and uncovered the secrets behind the “argument missing” error. We’ve also learned about three solutions to this problem and discussed some best practices for using pytest parametrize. By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be well on your way to writing robust and efficient tests for your Python code.

Solution Description
Single Argument Use a single argument in the parametrize list that contains all the necessary input values.
Multiple Arguments Use multiple arguments in the parametrize list, each corresponding to a separate input value.
Fixture Use a fixture to provide default values or to share setup and teardown code between tests.

Remember, testing is an essential part of software development. By using pytest parametrize effectively, you can write more efficient and robust tests that will help you catch errors and ensure that your code is working as expected. Happy testing!

Frequently Asked Question

Pytest’s dreaded `parametrize` gotcha! Get the lowdown on how to avoid those pesky “argument missing” errors.

Why do I get an “argument missing” error when using pytest’s parametrize?

Most likely, you’ve forgotten to include the `request` fixture in your test function. When using `parametrize`, pytest expects you to use the `request` fixture to access the parameter values. Add `request` as an argument to your test function, and you should be golden!

How do I specify multiple parameters with pytest’s parametrize?

Easy peasy! When using `parametrize`, you can specify multiple parameters by passing a list of tuples, where each tuple contains the parameter values. For example: `@pytest.mark.parametrize(“x, y”, [(1, 2), (3, 4)])`. This will run your test function twice, once with `x=1` and `y=2`, and again with `x=3` and `y=4`.

Can I use pytest’s parametrize with fixtures?

Absolutely! You can use `parametrize` with fixtures by including the fixture name as an argument in your test function. For example: `@pytest.mark.parametrize(“my_fixture”, [“value1”, “value2”])`. This will run your test function twice, once with `my_fixture` set to `”value1″` and again with `my_fixture` set to `”value2″`.

How do I access the parameter values in my test function?

When using `parametrize`, the parameter values are passed as arguments to your test function. You can access these values by including them as function arguments. For example: `def test_my_function(request, x, y): …`. In this case, `request` is the built-in `pytest` fixture, and `x` and `y` are the parameter values.

Can I use pytest’s parametrize with indirect fixtures?

You bet! When using `parametrize` with indirect fixtures, you can specify the indirect fixture name as an argument in your test function. For example: `@pytest.mark.parametrize(“my_indirect_fixture”, [“value1”, “value2”], indirect=True)`. This will run your test function twice, once with `my_indirect_fixture` set to `”value1″` and again with `my_indirect_fixture` set to `”value2″`.

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